I’m a highly skilled, freelance web developer, badass tech nerd and bug fix queen who has been providing web and database solutions since 2018.
I work with a wide range of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) across Kent to help them grow and thrive. I am a full stack web developer and can develop your website, from front-end user experience and user interface to behind the scenes back-end development. My web developer services are WordPress development including: website builds and management and Database development and management including: data security and SQL database development.
As a freelance web developer, I can help develop your online presence starting from scratch to develop secure, GDPR compliant and visually appealing websites. I will work with you to make your vision come to life.
I am based in Kent and work with clients across the county. My clients rate and review my work as 5 out of 5 stars for the quality of my work, communication and delivery speed. My bespoke web development and web design has supported my clients to engage with their target audiences and increase traffic to their sites. For more information about the impact of my work, check out my CASE STUDIES and TESTIMONIALS
I offer a wide range of high-quality services to help manage, expand and develop your online presence.
WordPress has the majority share of the internet’s content management systems. Building a WordPress site is a great way to expand your business and reach new customers. As a freelance WordPress developer, I offer custom WordPress development services. I can custom develop a WordPress website for a wide range of needs and requirements, from online stores to contact forms and an SEO friendly online presence. Through high quality website builds I can make complex web applications accessible and cost effective. If you need a WordPress developer to custom build your website, with skills in WordPress themes and WordPress plugins, then have a look at the full details of my WordPress Services or contact me.
Database Management is vital in creating thriving businesses. I offer a database development service and will work with you and your business to develop a database management system that fits your needs. Database development is critical for businesses to ensure their data is handled securely and in line with GDPR legislation. I can ensure efficient data storage and integrity to enable your business to scale, allowing increased traffic, data volumes and user demands on your site. If this sounds like something you need check out my Database Development Services or Contact Me
I have expert knowledge and skill in a wide range of software development technologies. Below is a description of what the technology does and how I use it in my website building and database management services.
CodeIgniter connects the front and back end of systems and is a light-weight PHP web framework. In my work as a freelance web developer I use it to develop dynamic websites with clear accessibility and design.
Cascading Style Sheets or CSS is a stylesheet language, and is used to develop visually appealing, user-friendly, accessible websites. When building websites for clients I use it to ensure my builds are high quality and accessible with engaging user interfaces.
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. This is a markup language that forms the bedrock for websites to be created, and in the continued development of the structure and content of webpages. It is a core skill I use across my website development services.
JavaScript is a multi-purpose scripting language. It is used for a wide range of tasks from dynamic website creation to multimedia and animation implementation through to content updating. It is a core part of my website building and website development services.
jQuery is a JavaScript library and works as a Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation library. jQuery simplifies finding, selecting and manipulating DOM elements – an example being changing properties or attributes such as the colour of the website. jQuery supports my Website development and database management work to ensure I work quickly and efficiently, making sure I am cost effective.
Laravel is a PHP back-end framework used to build web applications’ server-side logic and APIs (application programming interface – a software that allows applications to talk to each other). I use Laravel to support the building of secure and scalable websites.
PHP is a back end, server side programming language. PHP is used for a range of different activities including: collection of form data, interacting with databases, dynamic page content and the smooth running of content management systems. As a website developer I use it to write custom software and complex web applications to suit your business’ needs and requirements.
React is a front-end JavaScript library that is designed for user-friendly user interfaces. It supports the creation of reusable user interface components and the secure and correct management of data. When building high quality, eye-catching websites React allows me to build dynamic websites with interactive user interfaces. It also enables me to quickly and efficiently update parts of the website without needing to change other areas.
Structured Query Language or SQL is a domain-specific language (one used for specific contexts) that is used to manage databases. It works to manage data manipulation, data queries, data access control and data definition. In my day to day work on database management this is vital to manage databases, especially in the use of data for dynamic websites and web applications.
Vue is a front end framework that builds on Javascript, HTML and CSS. It is used to develop effective user interfaces regardless of how complex they need to be. This is important when designing and creating engaging websites with user friendly interfaces and excellent user experience.